200th Anniversary Reconsecration
On Tuesday 31 May 2022, the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Ohio Timothy S. Wheeland, together with Officers of the Grand Lodge of Ohio ceremonially reconsecrated Lancaster Masonic Lodge. The original celebration had been scheduled in 2020, but was necessarily postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
No less than four Grand Masters of Ohio have come from Lancaster Lodge, more than from any other Lodge in Ohio history. In five years we shall see our fifth Grand Master.
We are very proud of our history, and of our distinguished historical place in Ohio Freemasonry. Our most famous son is Most Worshipful Brother Charles R. Sherman, whom we share with St. John's Lodge #6 in Norwalk, Connecticut where this most distinguished Brother was Raised as a Master Mason.
No less than four Grand Masters of Ohio have come from Lancaster Lodge, more than from any other Lodge in Ohio history. In five years we shall see our fifth Grand Master.
We are very proud of our history, and of our distinguished historical place in Ohio Freemasonry. Our most famous son is Most Worshipful Brother Charles R. Sherman, whom we share with St. John's Lodge #6 in Norwalk, Connecticut where this most distinguished Brother was Raised as a Master Mason.
Blue Lodge Schedule
Stated Meetings of Blue Lodge are at 7.30 P.M. on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month except July and August. The present year (2022) is an exception, and Stated Meetings will be held in the normally dark months under Grand Master's Edict 2022-5.
Rough Ashlars group meets every Saturday morning at the Temple at 8 o'clock A.M. The purpose of this group is to study and learn the Lectures, Charges, and work on ritual. Meetings usually go for about one hour.
Rough Ashlars group meets every Saturday morning at the Temple at 8 o'clock A.M. The purpose of this group is to study and learn the Lectures, Charges, and work on ritual. Meetings usually go for about one hour.
Lodge-hosted events
For the months of May through August, Lancaster Lodge is the emergency back-up "Rain Location" for Destination Downtown Lancaster's Second Saturday Movies. The movies are normally held outdoors at the bandstand in the heart of downtown Lancaster, but in prior years the movie had to be cancelled in the event of rain. For 2022, the Lodge's banquet room is the official rain location for the summer movie series.
Lancaster Masonic Lodge is pleased to support the downtown Lancaster community, and is a proud member of Destination Downtown Lancaster. The movie series is a family event, and includes activities for children.
Lancaster Masonic Lodge is pleased to support the downtown Lancaster community, and is a proud member of Destination Downtown Lancaster. The movie series is a family event, and includes activities for children.
Commemorative Bicentennial Coins
To commemorate our 2020 bicentennial, Lancaster Masonic Lodge #57 has made these coins. The cost is $20 each if picked up in person at a meeting or $25 shipped. For more information please use the contact form on this website. Several are still available.
Replace Yourself
Here is a chance to leave your mark upon Masonry and Lancaster Lodge #57. Make a commitment to replace yourself by recruiting and signing a petition for a new petitioner. Visit replaceyourself.org to learn more.