Lancaster Chapter No. 11 Royal Arch Masons -- formed 1825
Lancaster Council No. 3 Royal & Select Masons -- formed 1828
Lancaster Commandery No. 2 Knights Templar -- formed 1838
(Click on any of the above links to go to each Body's page.)
Lancaster Council No. 3 Royal & Select Masons -- formed 1828
Lancaster Commandery No. 2 Knights Templar -- formed 1838
(Click on any of the above links to go to each Body's page.)
York Rite Meeting Schedule
Chapter #11 4th Tuesdays 7.30 PM
Council #3 4th Tuesdays 8.30 PM
Commandery #2 1st Tuesdays 7.30 PM
Council #3 4th Tuesdays 8.30 PM
Commandery #2 1st Tuesdays 7.30 PM
Commandery - Order of the Temple
On Saturday 13 August 2022, the Order of the Temple was conferred upon RWB Michael L. McCandlish PDDGM, Grand Marshal of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and Past Master of Lancaster Masonic Lodge.
Congratulations, Sir Knight McCandlish!
Congratulations, Sir Knight McCandlish!